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(AKA Ms.B)


Ms. B came to us out of the Loon Lake fires in the Interior of BC a few years ago. She originally was taken in by our associates in Vernon, Gena and Dale. Unfortunately, she was not doing well with the herd they had at the time so they asked us to take her down here. We estimate her to have been born approximately 1998 - 2002 and believe she is a purebred Arabian.


As it turned out, Ms.B requires a special diet due to digestive problems. She also needs to be blanketed when it rains, when it is cold, and heavily blanketed during the winter months. During her initial veterinary check we discovered that she had a serious heart murmur which probably contributes to her low body temperature.


Since she is compromised, and very high maintenance we are not able to place her. She does enjoy light rides (with light riders) as well as her time in liberty classes. Her most important job has been to "buddy up" with our special Appy, Dixie, who is losing her eyesight. Ms. B takes good care of her and worries over her when things don't seem right. She also shields her from other horses if they are showing any aggression towards Dixie over the fence.

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